INCHGREEN dry dock is to become a base for recycling container ships in a major long-term deal which will create 100 new jobs in Inverclyde.

English firm ATLAS Decommissioning, which specialises in the end-of-life disposal of vessels, will lease the dry dock, with contracts in place with 'blue chip lines for multiple vessels' being removed from their fleet.

The dry dock and adjacent land will become an export hub for recyclable metals.

The new jobs at Inchgreen will include trades and skills which exist in abundance in the local area.

Mike Wood, project director of ATLAS Decommissioning, said: “Inchgreen dry dock, as well as its size, also has direct access to very deep water.

"As a facility for the contracts we have in place I’d go as far as to say it is unique in the UK.

“There is also the attraction of the skilled workforce in Inverclyde due to its shipbuilding legacy.

"What we are doing here is essentially shipbuilding in reverse and requires much of the same engineering excellence and expertise.”

A waste management licence has been granted by the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), giving permission for the work to go ahead at the key Peel Ports Clydeport waterfront asset.

Peel Ports director Jim McSporran said: “Inverclyde’s economic woes are well-documented, with Office of National Statistics records showing an overall unemployment rate of five per cent.

“We have promised to bring jobs to Inverclyde, and this is just the start.

“We are fully committed to having Inchgreen dry dock, which is a jewel in the crown of Scotland, back in full industrial use.

“Clydeport is a name that has a long and proud affinity with Inverclyde, and it now has the strength of Peel Ports, the second biggest ports group in the UK, behind it.

“We are excited to be working with ATLAS Decommissioning, a company with strong connections to global players in the shipping industry.

“This contract is a shining example of our stated commitment in Inverclyde and at all of our ports throughout the UK to local job creation in high unemployment areas that have a long and proud industrial history."

Peel say they have worked closely with Inverclyde Council to secure the contract and believe it will be 'a game changer for the area and a sign of more economic benefit to come'.

Council leader Stephen McCabe said: “This is a terrific shot in the arm for the Inverclyde economy that will deliver almost 100 new, skilled jobs to the area and breathe new life into a key asset which is of local and national significance.

“This fits perfectly with our ongoing Inverclyde Works campaign to promote the area as a place to live, work and do business and ties in nicely with our £9.4 million regeneration plans for the wider Inchgreen area through the Glasgow Region City Deal.

“Working alongside Peel Ports Clydeport and by welcoming inward investment from companies like ATLAS Decommissioning, we have the potential here to make Inchgreen a centre of excellence for marine engineering and marine-related activity.”

Scottish Government Business Minister Ivan McKee added: “This is excellent news for the Inchgreen Dry Dock, Inverclyde and Scotland.

“To see a company like ATLAS Decommissioning investing in Scotland’s economy and creating new jobs is very welcome and send a strong message to other investors.”