POLICE probing an attempted murder in Larkfield have today issued a fresh appeal for information as they try to trace a man seen running near the crime scene.

A 22-year-old victim sustained serious injuries to his head and body during a violent incident at Dorset Road's junction with Oxford Road at around 11.20pm last Thursday.

Officers have been carrying out door-to-door, CCTV, and dashcam enquiries as part of the investigation.

Police Scotland say that a number of males were involved in the attack, and the force is eager to trace one in particular.

Detective Inspector Gordon Smith, leading the investigation, said: “Police remain around Oxford Road and are asking residents and visitors for any information they may have about this incident. We are still piecing together details of what took place.

“We are aware that up to a dozen males were involved in the disorder, but are particularly keen to trace one man who was seen in the area anD may be able to assist with our enquiries.

"He is described as wearing a blue hooded top and was running on Auchmead Road.

“As ever, we rely on the assistance of our local communities and residents should have confidence that we will treat any information confidentially.”

Anyone who has information which could assist the investigation is asked to contact 101 quoting incident number 4036 of April 13, 2023.

Alternatively, information can be anonymously passed to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.