A SEVENTH murder accused man charged with gunning down Greenock dad Neil Canney on his doorstep is behind bars after appearing in court today.

Michael Munro, 25, has been remanded in custody following a petition hearing in private this afternoon.

Police Scotland confirmed on Tuesday night that officers had made another arrest as part of their investigation into the death of Mr Canney.

The 37-year-old Larkfield father was found seriously injured at his Nairn Road home in the early hours of February 28 this year.

He was taken by ambulance to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow where he died a short time later.

READ MORE: Sixth man in court charged with murdering Larkfield dad

It is claimed that accused Munro, of South Street in Greenock, 'did discharge a firearm and shoot him [Mr Canney] in the head' and 'did murder him'.

Six other men - three from Greenock, one from Port Glasgow, and two from Wishaw - have already been remanded in custody and are charged with an identical alleged offence.

Kieran Meechan, 27, Brendan Balloch, 23, Jack Benson, 22, Dale Russell, 28, and Martin McCusker, 38, have been fully committed for trial having appeared at court in March.

The Tele reported earlier this month that 24-year-old Kieran Hendry was also locked up after police arrested him during early morning armed raids at addresses in Branchton and Larkfield.

Michael Munro entered no plea through solicitor Amy Spencer.

Matters have been continued for further examination and a date for the next calling of the case is to be confirmed.