A MACHETE thug armed robber caused thousands of pounds worth of damage in a shocking shop-smashing raid on a Port Glasgow convenience store which has left staff members 'psychologically damaged'.

Brazen Michael Glancy staggered into the Usave premises on Cromdale Road in such an intoxicated state that he fell to the floor - then refused help from workers worried about him and proceeded to pull out his blade. 

He cracked the shop counter with the machete, robbed the store of around £800 in cash and scores of packets of cigarettes before destroying a £2,500 touch screen till.

Glancy, 39 - branded as a 'threat to the public' by a sheriff - is today beginning a lengthy prison sentence for subjecting staff and customers to a terrifying ten-minute ordeal which was captured from multiple angles on three CCTV cameras.

His lawyer Amy Spencer told a sentencing hearing: "There is no doubt that that is an absolutely shocking piece of footage only surpassed by the level of shock and psychological damage to the shopkeepers.

"This is literally a daylight robbery, he knows the workers by name."

Greenock Telegraph:

Greenock Sheriff Court was told that Glancy staggered into the store in the afternoon of April 8 heavily under the influence and at one point fell to the floor.

Procurator fiscal depute Corey Laouadi told the court: "He was given a bottle of water and the witness offered to call an ambulance as he was concerned over his wellbeing.

"The accused became defensive and insisted that he did not need any help.

"He continued to wander around struggling to remain on his feet."

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After Glancy was told to leave the shop and keep the front door clear for other customers, he challenged two employees and lifted his top to reveal a machete with which he threatened to attack the shopkeepers.

Fiscal depute Mr Laouadi said: "The witness apologised to him to appease him.

"[Glancy then] lifted out the machete and slammed it down onto the counter causing damage.

"He demanded money and cigarettes and he was initially given £20.

"He eventually was given £400-£500 and around 40 packets of cigarettes."

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A further £300 in notes and coins was taken before Glancy struck the touch screen till - worth £2,500 - four times with the weapon, rendering it unusable.

Solicitor Miss Spencer said: "As soon as that footage was shown to him he instructed a plea of guilty.

"It is but for the grace of God that no physical injuries were caused."

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Miss Spencer said that repeat criminal Glancy is in a cycle of offending that 'appears to be neverending'.

The solicitor added: "He was quite clearly significantly under the influence.

"Short of giving the shop advance notice he could not have drawn more attention to himself.

"He was almost immediately detected by police officers."

Accepting that a jail sentence was inevitable, Miss Spencer added that Glancy 'does still have ambitions to free himself from this cycle' and 'hopes to come out a better person and put his time in custody to good use'.

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Sheriff Neil Kinnear told him: "The charge against you is a most serious one.

"It certainly appears that you are unsteady on your feet, however, you repeatedly go back to the counter with a machete and it shows a degree of violence which would have been very frightening.

"There was a high level of violence and it must have been extremely frightening for those in the shop.

"You have a very long period of convictions and you are familiar with serving prison sentences.

"You have had an unfortunate background and I take account of that, however, you are assessed as being of very high risk of reoffending and it is clear that you are a threat to the public."

Glancy was jailed for 30 months, reduced by a third from 45 months due to the timing of his guilty plea and backdated to April 11 when he was remanded.

He will also be supervised for 15 months upon his release from custody.