MEMBERS of the ladies section at Gourock Golf Club were delighted to present a cheque for £2,000 to Brenda Rankin of Breast Cancer Now.

This amazing amount was raised at the club's recent golfing 'Pink Day' event.

Anne Johnstone, ladies charity convenor, said: "As October is the annual international Breast Cancer Awareness Month it was appropriate to be making this donation now, and a huge thank you goes to all the club members, sponsors and supporters who contributed to raising this sum.”

Brenda confirmed that the money will be used to help fund research and trials, many of which take place in our major cities in Scotland.

The overall vision of Breast Cancer Now (BCN) is to ensure that by 2050 everyone diagnosed with breast cancer will live and be supported to live well.

The charity is working towards achieving this every minute, every day with their Turning the Tide strategy to 2025, focused on accelerating progress towards fewer cases, fewer deaths, and a better quality of life for everyone affected by breast cancer.

Breast cancer can affect anyone, male or female, at any age.

For breast cancer care, support, and information call BCN free on 0808 800 6000 or visit