THE owner of a miracle dog who was found alive nearly a week after running off in Gourock has shared an emotional message of thanks to the people who helped locate her.

In an incredible fairy 'tail' ending, Grace was found by local farmers six days after she ran off in moorland near Kirn Drive - following a massive search operation by Greenock residents.

Volunteers from the Coppermine Community Centre and the local Scouts stepped in to help Grace's devastated owner, Lesley Angus, as she tried desperately to track down her pet, camping out in the town and driving round the streets.

As the days slipped by, it increasingly looked as if all hope had been lost for finding the beautiful Lurcher who suffered from a long list of age-related conditions.

Amazing Grace Amazing Grace (Image: George Munro)

But despair turned to sheer joy when Grace turned up two miles from where she'd disappeared.

After finally recovering from her ordeal, 'Amazing Grace' was brought back to the centre by Lesley to be reunited with all her new friends, who showered her with treats.

Lesley said: "I can't thank the people of Gourock enough - the girls at the community centre, the Scouts and my friends for helping me find Grace.

"I had totally given up all hope of finding her alive.

"She is 12 and a half years old, so she has some conditions related to her age, and she was out there on her own. She is beginning to lose the sight in her eyes.

"Grace also had no weight to lose. She must have managed to get access to water.

" She is a rescue dog. I have had her since she was a pup.

"But it is thanks to the complete kindness of strangers that I have her back.

"The farmers who found her on their land knew who she was because of the appeal to find her.

"She had a bright pink collar, and they knew straight away.

"When I came to get her, she had very little life in her. She could barely lift her head, she was so tired.

"The first few days were bad, but she is getting stronger and stronger.

"I lost my husband last year and I just don't know what I would do if I lost Grace this way.

"She is everything to me. I was just in a blind panic when she ran off."

Amazing Grace Amazing Grace (Image: George Munro)

Lesley's nightmare began when Grace was startled and ran off into the moors while she was out walking with a friend from Gourock.

Despite desperate attempts to get her back, Grace was nowhere to be found.

As the days turned into nights, the search continued and soon it was widening out with an online appeal.

Desperate Lesley was sleeping in her car in the Coppermine Community Centre so she could search in the darkness.

Angela Slaven and Matt Mitchell with GraceAngela Slaven, from Coppermine Community Centre, and Matt Mitchell, 1st Gourock Scouts leader,  with Grace (Image: George Munro)

Volunteers at the Coppermine Community Centre, where the 1st Gourock Scouts have a drop-in cafe, joined in the search.

Scout section leader Matt Mitchell said: “I arrived at the soup kitchen and found out that a lady was looking for her dog and needed help.

“Being in the Scouts, I know a lot of guys and girls, and gathered people together to help out.

“We set down treats and salmon oil and and hoped she would pick up the scent.

“We’re all just so happy to see her back.”

Angela Slaven, one of the search's organisers, said: "We spoke to Grace's owner and we were really worried about her as well as the wee dog. We tried to do everything we could to help.

"One of the girls was taking her food when she was in her car.

"We were just so pleased that Grace was found."

After Grace was found she was rushed off to an animal hospital to begin her recovery.

She suffered damage to her liver and her eyes as well as losing weight after being missing for so long.

Lesley, who lives near Glasgow, added: "Grace is a total sweetheart and has the most amazing nature. She has never run off before.

"I think something must have spooked her. She is starting to lose her eyesight and I think she ended up disorientated.

"Grace is very responsive. She listens to every command. I trained her straight away when she came to us.

“People were looking out for both of us and everyone was really kind.

“It was amazing to think that people that don’t know you, and that you’ve never met, were going out for extra walks just to look for her."

On her return to the Coppermine Community Centre, Lesley added: “I just wanted to bring her back to say hello to everyone who helped find her.

"It was an absolutely traumatic experience and was physically and mentally exhausting.

“I’m not sure if I would have got through it all on my own."