A TEENAGE film maker from Port Glasgow is all set to premiere the sequel to his debut movie as he continues to make his dreams come true.

Callum McLelland is back with police comedy Sharp Instinct Volume II, starring all his friends and family...who were all lining up to get a part this time round.

The 15-year-old, who lives and breathes films, has turned his bedroom into his very own cutting edge studio.

The self-taught Notre Dame High pupil was blown away by the response to his first movie and says he is hoping to impress audiences all over again when Sharp Instinct the sequel premieres at the Beacon.

Calum McLellandCalum McLelland (Image: George Munro)

Callum, who lives in Adamston Way, said: "I am really excited and can't believe I am getting the chance to do this again.

"This time round all my friends wanted a part. The first time I had to force some of them to go in it!

"Now they are all asking me for a part. I even had to create another character to fit one in! 

"It is a comedy and we have had so much fun. I have all my family involved, phoning me up with ideas.

"I was over the moon with the reaction to my first film. I think people can see what I have put in to it."

Calum McLellandCallum McLelland (Image: George Munro)

This round round the Sharp Instinct sequel will be screened at the Beacon, who have been a massive support to Callum's efforts in aid of the Ardgowan Hospice.

Calum McLellandCalum McLelland (Image: George Munro)

Calum,who is planning to study film, is a one-boy movie machine, writing his own scripts, shooting the scenes, directing the cast and crew, editing and producing the film, and adding in the special effects.

He said: "I think my favourite part is editing it. When you have all this footage and you have to put it all together, that is the part I enjoy the most. It is very creative."

At the premier of Sharp Instinct, Callum sold DVDs of his film to raise cash for his sequel.

Now in fourth year at Notre Dame, Callum has been supported by Notre Dame who helped get him funding to go on a course with the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in Glasgow.

 As well as the backing from the Beacon, the youngster is also supported by West College Scotland's production team.

Calum McLellandCalum McLelland (Image: George Munro) (Image: contributed)

But mum Debbie, who works as an administrator in the Skylark unit at Inverclyde Royal, says that after the premiere next month Callum will be studying for his National exams.

She said: "This will be the last big project before his exams. We can't thank the Beacon enough for all their support. Jennifer Hunter has been absolutely brilliant.

"We are very proud of Callum. He really does it all himself. He has always been daft on films.

"We chose the Ardgowan Hospice because it is a cause close to so many of our hearts."

At the premier of his new film, Callum will be joined by mum Debbie, dad Scott and younger brother Logan, aged nine, at the Beacon along with family and friends.

To join them at the premiere of Sharp Instinct Volume II on Thursday, October 24 at the Beacon, starting at 7pm.