This week in Off The Record, we’re doing something a little different.

Rather than talk about a release coming out this week, we’re going to look at one of my favourite releases of 2024 so far, now that we’re somehow so far into the year!

Invincible Shield by Judas Priest came out In March and it definitely delivered. This album comes from a band with nothing left to prove, a legacy cemented and yet they don’t just half commit and get it out there.

You can tell that they’re still so invested in what they’re doing, and still enormously proud of what they put out into the world.

It’s always evident, for me at least, when an artist still cares. With that, you always get something better, something that will not be so easily forgotten.

Coupled with the fact that Rob Halford STILL has that iconic vocal range, even in to his 70s now, it just isn’t out of place amongst some of the best work they’ve ever done. Not least with the lead single, 'Panic Attack', which drew me in immediately and set me up for more, excited to see if the whole release was going to be on this level. It was.

There is no fat on this album. No filler songs that you could just excuse as "being there to make up the numbers". This is hard to do generally, but at a point in their career where most other bands are either finished entirely or being told they should, Judas Priest still feel like they have a lot left to give.

Give it a listen and see what you think, if you’ve not listened already. It’s worth it!