Greenock Telegraph - Memorials

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Published on 23/11/2023

McDEVITT - Rebecca June, Janice and family would like to thank family, friends, neighbours, colleagues and carers for cards, mass cards, flowers and messages of sympathy received on the sad loss of their Mum Betty. Our thanks to Rev Father Patten for Funeral Mass and service at Crematorium, Rev Father McNellis, Margaret Barry and everyone who paid their respects at both services, Alastair and staff at P.B Wright for their excellent service and support and Tontine Hotel. Our sincere thanks to all the ladies from Inverclyde Council Homecare Services for their kindness, respect and taking such wonderful care of mum over the last three years. Our thanks to the staff of Ward 2, Larkfield Unit for their care and compassion and McDade's Chemist. A special thanks to Phyllis, Anne, Emma, Sarah Louise, Angela and Jim for all your support and kindness given to Mum and the Family. Many thanks for the donations for Alzheimer Scotland. Betty will be so very sadly missed.


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