GREENOCK-BORN musician Ray McVay will lead one of the world's most popular orchestras when it visits his home town.

The Glenn Miller Orchestra will be in Greenock on Saturday 28 September as part of a Scottish tour.

Ray, who became the orchestra leader in 1988, said: "When we were discussing a tour of Scotland I said that we just had to play in Greenock." London-based Ray appeared on TV for many years when his own orchestra played for the 'Come Dancing' series.

His real name is William McVey. He was born in Hill Street, Greenock, and attended St Mary's primary and St Columba's secondary schools. He still has cousins in Inverclyde.

Before heading south, Ray had played saxophone for the Charlie Harkins and Henry Morrison bands at local venues like Cragburn Pavilion.

And his dad, Tommy, was leader of the local Pancotti Band.

Ray and his wife, Sue, who is from London, have three grown-up children and two grandchildren.

His brothers Archie and John and sister Margaret all live in the south of England.

Ray has travelled around the world since accepting an invitation to lead the 20-piece Glenn Miller Orchestra.

He said: "Glenn's music is hugely popular today with people of all ages around the globe. The demand is incredible.

"We've visited Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Russia, Dubai, Portugal and Japan, for example, and they all love it.

"We don't tour in America because they have their own Glenn Miller Band which is fully occupied touring there." Ray, who also writes music for the orchestra, said he had always been a Glenn Miller fan.

"Glenn was in Greenock with the Army/Air Force Band in June 1944," Ray recalled.

"I know there are a lot of Glenn Miller fans in Inverclyde," he said, "so it should be a great night and I'm really looking forward to it."