A 'TERRIFIED' victim of repeated domestic abuse was so scared of her partner during a bust-up that she wet herself, a trial has heard.

The sobbing woman gave harrowing evidence at Greenock Sheriff Court against Martin McGhee.

She told the court that he flew into a drug-fuelled rage against her.

The woman said: "He pushed me right up against the wall at the top of my stairs and that's when I really panicked."

Photographs of bruising on her arms, shoulders and chest were shown to the court as she wiped away her tears.

The 42-year-old Greenock woman said they were the result of McGhee, 43, assaulting her by grabbing and pushing her in a bid to wrench her mobile phone from her grasp.

McGhee had left the house for a short period during the incident and she locked the doors to keep him out but he clambered through her narrow porch window.

They had planned to go to Glasgow for the day but he 'ruined' that by taking drugs and drink, the woman told the court.

She admitted that she was angry with him, stating: "I was telling him how much of an idiot he was for ruining our day."

A friend of the woman told the court how she was in London for a festive break when she received a series of phone calls from her during the incident on December 20 last year.

The witness said: "She was hysterical. She screamed, 'Leave me, just leave me' and then the phoned went dead.

Asked how her friend sounded, she said: "Terrified."

McGhee, of Nile Street, lied to the court in his evidence by stating that he'd never touched the woman.

He has two previous domestic abuse convictions involving her, one of which is for assaulting her in 2016.

McGhee said that the bruising was the result of his now ex-partner being assaulted days earlier by the friend she'd phoned in London.

Prosecutor Frankie Morgan said: "Your evidence is that she was pleased to be invited to London by a person who'd just 'given her a kicking'.

"That's just a pack of lies."

McGhee said: "No."

Asked if he'd phoned the police about the bruising, he again replied: "No."

McGhee added: "The two of them are constantly fighting. I just didn't want involved."

Sheriff Andrew McIntyre found McGhee guilty of behaving in a threatening or abusive manner, acting aggressively, shouting, swearing, repeatedly banging on a door, climbing through a window and taking the woman's phone.

He found the assault charge not proven.

The sheriff deferred sentence on McGhee until April 1 for a background report and told him: "You have a history for domestic abuse despite the fact that you said you'd not done it before, so that was definitely not true."