TRIBUTE has been paid to the eight people who were killed in Greenock as a result of the Radical War in Greenock 200 years ago.

A ceremony was planned to commemorate the bicentenary of the events of April 8 in 1820, but it had to be cancelled due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Instead, a wreath was laid at the monument in Bank Street.

Depute council leader Jim Clocherty was in attendance and local activist Gordon Bryce, pictured, also paid his respects.

Local piper, Pat Clark, played a lament at the Radical War memorial on Bank Street where the riots took place.

The local authority also commissioned a special video, produced by Kilmacolm-based Gryffe Studios, to mark the bicentenary.

Provost Martin Brennan said: “It is with great sadness that we cannot mark this important anniversary in the way we had hoped.

“However, such a significant moment in Inverclyde and Scotland’s history could not pass by without being recognised and I thank council staff, Mr Clark and Gryffe Studios for doing that in a safe and responsible way during these challenging times.

“Some parallels can be drawn between the events of 8 April, 1820, and the present day in that people, young and old, have tragically died through no fault of their own.

“Our thoughts today are with those who perished 200 years ago – and to those we have lost recently.”

Also known as the ‘Scottish Insurrection’, the atrocity happened when soldiers opened fire on a crowd who tried to free impoverished anti-government protesters being escorted to Greenock jail.

Eight people were killed, including an eight-year-old boy and a man aged 65, and a further 10 were seriously injured.

The names of all the victims and the words ‘remember the 8th of April, that bloody day when many were wounded and carried away’ are also inscribed along the wall at Bank Street, near to where the jail was located in 1820.

The victims were: James McGilp, eight; William Lindsay, 15; James Kerr, 17; Archibald Drummond, 20; John Boyce, 33; Adam Clephane, 48; John MacWhinnie, 65; and Archibald McKinnon, 17, who died from his wounds on 5 May 1820.

Councillor Clocherty, who played a key role in establishing the Bank Street memorial in 2015, said: “It is an important event in our history that we must never forget.

“The Radical War of 1820, also known as the ‘Scottish Insurrection’, is regarded by many as the birth of trade unionism in this country.

“More importantly, it was the day in which eight people were tragically killed and ten more suffered life-changing injuries.

“We remember their names and this chapter in our local history as we commemorate those who gave their lives to improve our society by seeking fairness for workers and democracy for all.”

A memorial service and reception in the Municipal Buildings had been planned to mark the bicentenary, prior to the coronavirus outbreak.

The commemorative video which has been made features tributes from Provost Brennan, Cllr Clocherty, Inverclyde MP Ronnie Cowan and MSP Stuart McMillan.

The footage, along with more details about the 1820 Radical War, will be available to view later at soon.