UP to 38 inmates could be released back onto Inverclyde's streets over the weeks ahead as emergency powers are put in place to allow prisons to deal cope with the coronavirus pandemic.

The Justice Secretary announced the measures as part of an urgent prisoner release provision to help jails keep both prisoners and staff safe.

Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership is now putting services in place to support 18 short-term prisoners released under the scheme, on top of another 20 who had served their sentences.

As yet there are no confirmed cases of coronavirus in HMP Greenock and bosses hope to keep it that way.

In a report prepared for councillors, Inverclyde Integration Joint Board chief officer Louise Long said: "An emergency prisoner release provision was included in the Coronavirus (Scotland) Bill to ensure there would be legislative basis for undertaking a form of emergency early release (EER) should it be needed.

"Inverclyde HSCP and key partners are engaged in scenario planning for EER of prisoners to ensure services are in position to cope with the demand.

"For Inverclyde current estimates are 18 people who together with anticipated releases will bring the total to 38 people."

Under the Scottish Government bill the scheme is limited to those sentenced to 18 months or less and who on Monday May 4 had 90 days or less left to serve in custody.

The restrictions exclude certain prisoners from the process, including those convicted of domestic abuse.

Inverclyde HSCP is speaking with prison governors to prepare for certain individuals to be released over the next 28 days under the Bill.

At Gateside, inmates are confined to individual cells with the corridors largely kept empty during the lockdown and there are no longer any visitors.

The Scottish Prison Servicesays it is looking at ways to support the prisoners and their families to keep contact in place.

A Scottish Prison Service spokesman told the Telegraph: "Not all prisoners who are eligible under the early release prisoner provision will necessarily be released.

"All those released will be short term prisoners who would have been due for release anyway."