INVERCLYDE'S MP is steering attention away from the Scottish Government over the controversial plans to dock and disembark from cruise liners in Greenock amid the coronavirus crisis.

Ronnie Cowan says ultimate responsibility for ports lies with the UK Government.

But an official report on a proposal to berth up to 12 ships here and bring thousands of crew members ashore for onward repatriation says the Scottish Government can suspend port activities.

Despite Inverclyde Council having no power over the matter and looking to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to intervene, Mr Cowan insists the local authority has some scope to act.

In a letter sent to the UK Government, he wrote: "I am sure they [the council] could use health and safety policy to make it hard to implement the plan."

The Telegraph contacted Mr Cowan's office for a comment on the cruise ships issue and we were directed to an online blog post by the MP and sent a copy of his letter to UK ministers.

In the letter, Mr Cowan wrote: "The rights of access to the Clyde waters doesn’t even belong to the Scottish Government.

"As I understand it...only the UK Government can close a port.

"I find this particularly annoying as I asked the chief medical officer and the secretary of state for health on the third of March what plans they had for airports and seaports and as yet they don't seem to have considered this matter.

"We, along with the crews, would appear to be at the mercy of a UK Government that have not covered themselves in glory in their handling of this crisis.

"I shall be trying to ascertain the facts and I shall be pushing for answers from the UK Government."

Harbour authority Peel Ports is looking to lay-up as many as 12 ships and use Greenock as the servicing port to disembark crew members for onward travel to transport hubs — including Glasgow Airport.

The ships would remain on the Clyde with around 150 permanent crew onboard but would arrive with up to 600 personnel, according to the previously secret council report which the Telegraph has obtained.

MSP Stuart McMillan came out strongly in support of the position of the council and the health board at the weekend and has written to the Scottish Government on the matter.

In his blog post, Mr Cowan wrote: "This request is not unique to Inverclyde. There are cruise ships anchored in the Firth of Forth already. How are they dealing with this situation?"

Council leader Stephen McCabe said: "I would be happy to arrange for Mr Cowan to be briefed by our officers on this matter if he wishes to contact me so that he has a better understanding of the relative responsibilities of both governments, the council, the health board and the port authority."

Mr McCabe added: "In the meantime he may also wish to make direct representations to Peel Ports on behalf of the local community."