A TALENTED ballet dancer who was inspired by the Billy Elliott stage play has taken a leap forward in his career.

Charlie Scott, 16, saw off tough competition to land a place at the prestigious MGA Performance Academy in Edinburgh to study dance.

The youngster, a pupil at Port Glasgow High School, has been dancing since he was nine years old.

He says he is thrilled to take the next step in his career.

The modest teenager told the Tele: "I'm pretty happy about gaining a place, it will help me with my future.

"I enjoy the experience of acting and performing in front of an audience.

"There is also the emotion within a dance performance, I like to share that emotion and make the audience smile."

Charlie realises that the course will be a lot of hard work but is looking forward to it.

He said: "Every level of dance is always a challenge.

"I am looking forward to having something to work towards and fulfilling my potential."

Charlie lives with his parents Julia and Donald, who are both osteopaths, and his two sisters and brother in Kilmacolm.

His younger sister Cara was already studying ballet when he caught the bug.

Julia said: "We went to see the stage play of Billy Elliott for his gran's 70th birthday.

"Two weeks later when I was picking up Cara from her class he said 'I'd like to do ballet' and he hasn't looked back."

Charlie couldn't go for a normal audition because of lockdown but the process was just as stringent.

He had to submit several videos which were assessed.

He has been busy doing online classes, including bar work and body conditioning, to maintain his skills.

Charlie's CV is already impressive, as he was a junior associate at Scottish Ballet and toured with them in their production of the Nutcracker.

He also spent three years in full time training at the Dance School of Scotland and before lockdown returned to train with the Terry Ferguson School of Dance and Elite Dance Academy in Greenock.

He is also the male lead in Ballet Alba's forthcoming performance of Sleeping Beauty.

Charlie is training with Allegro Dance Academy and Kirsty Tremayne, who owns Allegro, teaches Charlie at Elite and Ballet Alba.

Kirsty helped him choreograph the pieces for his audition videos.

Julia said: "She is wonderful and an amazing teacher to both Cara and Charlie.

"We are very proud."

Julie says the prestigious academy accept just 20 students for the BA Honours in Dance each year.

Charlie will also get the opportunity to study tap, jazz, lyrical and aerial dance.

The academy is the only performing arts school in Scotland to be accredited by the Council for Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre.

Charlie is due to start his degree in September, with online virtual classes taking place until lockdown is lifted.