CORONAVIRUS cases in care homes in Inverclyde have been contained to 'single figures' throughout the pandemic, a health committee has been told.

Precise details of which establishments were affected and how many people in each contracted Covid-19 are not being released, but district-wide stats show that 39 people have died in local care establishments as a result of the virus.

Inverclyde Integration Joint Board (IJB) — which oversees local health matters — has been told by officials that the numbers here were 'small'.

Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) chief officer, Louise Long, said: "The numbers are in single figures so therefore we couldn't release it into the public domain because the numbers were small.

"There are a section of care homes in Inverclyde that have had no Covid outbreak, equally there are ones that have had one person who has had it and others that have had more."

Health and community care head Allen Stevenson told the latest IJB meeting that his staff had to adapt to Scottish Government guidance which could sometimes change on an hourly basis.

Mr Stevenson said: "The team has had to work really hard to make sure everyone knew what the latest guidance was in relation to care homes.

"I chair a safety meeting every day when we look at things care home by care home."

Mr Stevenson also holds weekly meetings with Inverclyde's 14 care home managers regarding matters including PPE, staff safety and infection control.

He said: "It's all geared towards supporting the care homes in Inverclyde.

"It's been a very difficult time for the care homes, for their staff and the HSCP has been doing all it can to make sure we support each of the care homes individually, and collectively."

Asked about providing more detailed figures about Covid cases in local care homes, Mr Stevenson said: "There hasn't been any release on specifics for lots of reasons including confidentiality.

"I think I would go as far to say that there are a number of care homes that have had no Covid throughout the pandemic."

Since routine testing was introduced, two Inverclyde care homes were identified has having positive cases of COVID-19, the board was told.

In a report to members, HSCP boss Ms Long said: "Both were visited by HSCP officers to have oversight and reassurance that there were no concerns over the homes' performance in terms of infection control, workforce and supply of PPE."

There is to be an ongoing programme of testing within care homes, although the timescale for this is yet to be determined.

Addressing staffing matters, Ms Long said: "Across Scotland all HSCP and acute sectors have been asked to look at practical support if staffing numbers in care homes fall below safe levels.

"This may require deployment of staff to these settings.

"All care homes in Inverclyde have contingency plans in place to address staff shortage and this option will only be employed if necessary."