A FURIOUS Inverclyde woman has spoken out about anti-social behaviour in a 'nightmare close from hell' as she believes tenants living there are frightened to speak out.

Allison Black is especially concerned about a family member who stays in a one of blocks of flats in St John's Road.

Over the last three years, residents have been subjected to drink-fuelled parties and fights, people shouting and swearing in the close, and wilful fireraising.

Allison also says dogs run up and down the stairs, charge at people, and urinate and defecate.

In July, the Tele reported that four neighbours in the same close had had been arrested following a violent disturbance, which unfolded after two fires were set in the block.

Allison has reached out to Inverclyde Council and River Clyde Homes, as well as Stuart McMillan MSP and Ronnie Cowan MP to try to get something done.

But she says the situation is still rumbling on.

She said: "This is making people's lives an absolute misery.

"My family member is living on his nerves.

"He's frightened to go to sleep in case someone sets his door alight.

"At the weekends, there are a lot of people in the close, there's so much noise.

"It's really bad that I have to be in touch with the Tele to get something done.

"But I've been left with no choice but to use the paper to highlight what's going on."

As coronavirus lockdown led to even more noise and disruption in the close, Allison brought her family member home with her to Inverkip.

Although he is now back living in St John's Road, he is becoming increasingly upset and feels threatened.

Allison is now imploring the authorities to do something to make the close a safe place to live.

She added: "People just want to live their lives.

"These homes were originally built for elderly people and it's a reputable area.

"This has been three years of absolute hell for all residents.

"Is there going to have to be a murder before anything is done?"

An Inverclyde Council spokesperson said: "We have received complaints about alleged incidents in the area and we’re working in partnership with River Clyde Homes and Police Scotland to investigate these and take appropriate action.

"Alongside the police, the council’s community wardens have increased their patrols of the area to support residents.

"All complaints about anti-social behaviour are taken seriously and will always be investigated."

A spokesperson for River Clyde Homes said: "We are working with colleagues in Inverclyde Council to support our customers.

"Private landlords are responsible for the conduct of their tenants."

Allison says she is very disappointed with the lack of response from the office of Ronnie Cowan MP.

Mr Cowan's advised the Tele that Stuart McMillan MSP's office was looking after the case.

Mr McMillan said he was unable to comment on the specifics of constituent cases due to data protection.

He added: "Whenever a constituent contacts my office and asks for my assistance, I always do what I can to either assist or put constituents in touch with the relevant agency or agencies that can assist.

"In an instance like this, Police Scotland and Inverclyde Council’s anti-social behaviour team would be the correct agencies to assist in resolving this matter."