A KIND college lecturer has shelved her special birthday plans to raise money for Ardgowan Hospice instead.

Angela Anderson had a string of celebrations to mark turning 60 cancelled because of Covid-19, so she decided to spend her time fundraising for the charity.

The Greenock grandmother, who is a Neal's Yard Remedies representative, has previously had loved ones cared for by the in-patient unit on Nelson Street - so she has decided to donate her commission for the next two months to say thanks.

The 59-year-old said: "I had a whole host of plans for my 60th and as a result of the new restrictions I've had to cancel them all.

"Now I've got a bit more time on my hands I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to hold 'spa sessions' via Zoom.

"I'll drop off a wee bag of samples and a catalogue to anyone taking part and on the day I'll talk everyone through them and hopefully it'll be an opportunity to bring people together.

"If they decide to buy anything, any commission I'd make would go straight to the hospice.

"Ardgowan Hospice have really suffered massively over the past few months, so I thought this would be a great way to give something to them - everyone knows someone who has been helped by the hospice."

Angela, who is a lecturer at the West College Scotland, has background in beauty and complementary therapy so has chosen to promote products that are ethical, organic and suitable for all ages and sexes.

Her first online spa session is planned for this Sunday at 3pm, however she is encouraging anyone who is interested to get in touch as she would be happy to organise more dates in the future.

Elaine McNeill, fundraising officer at Ardgowan, said: "We're really grateful to Angela for deciding to donate her commission to the hospice over the next few months.

"Covid-19 has been difficult and with all planned fundraising events cancelled this year, it is the kindness of members of the community that is helping us stay afloat."

*To get in touch with Angela, find her on Facebook or email her at angela.anderson560@ntlworld.com