A 'SEW grateful' mum has stitched together hundreds of pounds for Ardgowan Hospice by making face masks as a thank-you to the 'great people' of Inverclyde who rallied round when her daughter was fighting for life.

Alison Murdoch hauled out her sewing machine during lockdown and has made a vast array of colourful coverings which she's sold to raise more than £500 — and counting.

Alison, 55, wanted to give back to the community after people from all over the district helped her through the ordeal of daughter, Emma, being struck down with a potentially deadly illness while on holiday in Turkey.

Emma, 34, was fighting for her life last November with a suspected heart attack and had to be flown to Greece for emergency treatment, which included being placed in an induced coma.

Alison flew out to Athens to be at her hospital bedside as the district held its breath in hope of her pulling through.

A family member set up a JustGiving page aiming to raise £500 to help cover some of her travel and accommodation expenses.

Within hours it had surpassed £1,000.

Alison said: "I started to make masks as I had so much time on my hands with the lockdown and I wanted to pay back the community for helping me with donations of money, kind words and motivation to keep me focused when my daughter was so ill.

"It was a truly worrying time.

"I wanted to do something when the pandemic first hit and it was my hairdresser Elaine, from Eclipse, who asked me to make some for when she was able to open again.

"I found it was easy and it just spiralled and I've raised more than £500 so far."

Alison says she will never forget the help she has had from all over the community.

She added: "The support I received from so many great people was brilliant.

"I'd especially like to thank Boglestone Community Centre, who raised £300, and Susan Ellis, who I worked with in the community drugs team, who phoned me every day to make sure I was alright."

Alison has just handed over £500 in cash to the hospice and is now looking forward to raising even more money.

Daughter Emma — who had to leave her own daughter, Ellie, 11, and partner Bud Green behind in Turkey when she became ill — is still recovering.

Alison said: "She is getting better and is getting there, she has her mammy and her family.

"You don't realise how many people have your back until something happens and they step up.

"I am so glad we come from Inverclyde.

"The people here wear their heart on their sleeve and are so generous.

"I can't thank everyone enough."

Alison's face coverings have been selling through word of mouth and posts on social media.

They can also be bought by emailing Alison at princessmurdoch@yahoo.com