BOSSES from Inverclyde Taxis have slammed the Scottish Government and accused them of failing to provide support for operators.

Cab drivers can claim £1,500 through the government's Taxi and Private Hire Driver Support Fund, but the firms which run the taxis are not eligible for this support.

Company director Henry Glasgow says the situation is 'unacceptable' and he is demanding a u-turn from ministers.

He claims that taxi operators have been 'discriminated against' and says that failing to support them is 'short-sighted'.

Mr Glasgow said: "As it stands, drivers who invest no more than the cost of a taxi badge have been allocated a one-off £1,500 grant.

"Taxi offices and operators who invest many hundreds - if not thousands - of pounds annually will receive no support whatsoever.

"The Scottish Government has been ill-advised on this matter and should reconsider their decision.

"The status quo is clearly unacceptable and discriminatory, and raises fundamental questions about the guidance which was deliberated over prior to their decision."

A senior Inverclyde politician is backing the company's complaint and accused the government of failing to assist local taxi businesses in the midst of the coronavirus crisis.

Jamie Greene MSP says ministers must extend support for individual taxi drivers to cover the firms that operate the services.

He highlighted figures showing taxi journeys have fallen significantly since the start of the pandemic as he argued for the government to step in and help operators survive the slump.

Mr Greene said: "Inverclyde’s taxi and private hire drivers have had an extremely difficult year as a result of the pandemic and the Scottish Government must do all they can to protect their livelihoods.

"This includes helping the companies who cover drivers' costs and overheads.

"Many taxi drivers have already left the industry and if the SNP government don’t get this right then more will follow that path.

"Inverclyde needs a viable taxi industry at the end of the pandemic."

The Scottish Government says that businesses which have been required to close or to modify their operations can apply to the Strategic Framework Business Fund.

They also highlighted local authority funding and support being provided to businesses through the UK Government's furlough scheme.

A spokesperson added: "We understand that all businesses face significant difficulties during the pandemic and we are committed to providing continued assistance, within our limited resources.

"Our £30 million local authority discretionary fund is empowering local authorities to direct funding to specific groups or sectors."