CHARITABLE freemasons from an Inverclyde Lodge laced up their trainers and pounded the pavements and countryside to raise funds for a vital local charity.

Eleven members of the Lodge Crawfurdsburn Greenock No.1121 took part in a sponsored walk held in aid of the Inverclyde Dementia Resource Centre.

The group started at the 175 Masonic Club on Kelly Street and made their way to the Lyle Hill before taking in the Greenock Cut and finishing back where they started.

Their efforts raised an impressive £3,500 for the charity.

It also benefitted from funds raised from a virtual Burns' Supper held by the Lodge in January.

A cheque presentation was arranged for the handover of the funds to the charity's local leaders Marie McEleny and Elaine Edgar, with Right Worshipful Master Brother Adam McKenzie doing the honours.

He said: "I am delighted with the sum raised and would like to thank the walkers and the people who provided sustenance and safety back-up during the walk.

"I'd like to thank the sponsors - including lodge members and their families and friends, other lodges who supported us and the members of the public who gave donations as the walkers passed by."

The funds will be put to good use supporting people with dementia, their families, relatives and friends from the charity's Nicol Street centre.

Staff at the centre say they are very grateful to the lodge for thinking of them and their clients.

Marie told the Tele: "We would like to thank everyone who took part in the sponsored walk.

"We are extremely thankful to be given such a large donation for our Inverclyde Dementia Resource Centre."