THE board of directors at Inverclyde Carers' Centre has appointed a new manager.

Kenny McKenna has been brought in to lead the team having held a number of high-profile roles in the west of Scotland charity sector.

He has spent time at Epilepsy Scotland, Headway and Spinal Injuries Scotland.

Mr McKenna says he's inherited a great team at the centre and is looking forward to getting the facility reopened and meeting carers face-to-face.

Kenny added: "I am delighted to be working for Inverclyde’s carers.

"I want to ensure local carers realise that we are still providing services, just as we did right through the pandemic.

"I know we can continue to improve life for Inverclyde’s carers."

Anne Price, chair of the board of directors, said: "Kenny has a wealth of experience in the charity sector and his knowledge will stand us in good stead.

"Carers were particularly badly affected by the pandemic and there's a great deal of work to be done. Kenny is just the man to do it."