BOSSES at a retirement housing complex have been criticised over the quality of food being provided to residents.

The menu at Jamaica Court is under the microscope after the daughter of a resident told how she was shocked by the meals her 87-year-old mum is being provided with.

Christina O'Donnell says that the meals provided by Bield Housing Association are lacking in nutrition and are inadequately portioned.

The paid-for service consists of a three-course meal at 12.15pm and a light snack at 4.30pm and it can cost residents almost £400 a month.

Residents at the sheltered housing facility are consulted on the menu and given a choice of at least two options at each meal time.

But Christina says she has repeatedly requested that Bield bring in a nutritionist to approve their menus.

She feels that the alternative meal options are often lacking in sustenance and highlighted a recent evening when her mother was given a plate of cheese and biscuits.

Christina said: "My mum's not overly fussy but the choices she gets are unreasonable.

"The plate of cheese and biscuits was her evening meal - they call it a 'light snack'.

"These residents pay for it and most of them will be going from half past four when they get their snack right through until the morning, so they need something more substantial.

"If they're going to offer an alternative, it should at least be a proper meal.

"I want them to be properly regulated and to serve nutritional food."

In a recent meeting with catering staff, Christina asked why fried food featured so heavily on the menu - and she says that staff responded by telling her she was in the west of Scotland.

At the same meeting, it was suggested that Christina purchase microwaveable meals for her elderly mother to heat up if she disliked what was being provided - despite the fact her mother, who has dementia, once left a mince pie in a microwave for over an hour.

Christina said: "The last time she microwaved something she exploded the microwave.

"They know she shouldn't be cooking, she can't even make herself a bit of toast."

But Bield have defended the menu choices and the quality of the food on offer.

They told the Tele that residents at Jamaica Court had unanimously chosen the current meal plan and said that staff regularly speak to them about the range and choice of meals provided.

They also stated that they had not received any other complaints about the food at Jamaica Court.

A Bield spokesperson said: “We are sorry to hear about concerns raised by the family of one of our customers.

"Our meals service offers high quality, nutritious and affordable meals across the country.

“All of our menus and meal times are created in partnership with customers and they are regular consulted on the range and choice of the service.

"Currently, the customers in Jamaica Court have unanimously chosen to have a large, hot three course meal during the day, and a lighter snack in the evenings.

“The cheese and biscuits were chosen by this customer as part of the four-week menu options for her lighter evening snack.

"We understand that she was unhappy with this and when several, alternative menu options were offered, these were all refused.

"The main meal at lunch time that day was soup, roast beef dinner and gateau.

“The feedback we receive about our menu items is hugely important.

“We always want to work with our customers and their families to ensure that the meals service is fully delivering for their needs.

"Following a meeting with the family, Bield is working actively to address their concerns, including discussing personalised meal plans, enhanced choices and future provision.”