ALL creatures great and small flocked into a Greenock church with their owners for Wellpark Mid Kirk's first ever pets blessing.

Reverend Alan Sorensen donned a dragon onesie to welcome those in the congregation with two legs, four legs, eight legs or none - and put everyone at ease by assuring them it was okay to move about with their pets and pop outside during the service.

He quipped that many people would remember The Vicar of Dibley’s disastrous ‘Pet Service’ on the TV and that many churches have steered well clear of such things as a result.

Rev Sorensen said: "Our service of blessing for pets last Sunday was, perhaps surprisingly, a roaring success, with not one single disaster.

“I first of all talked to owners about their pets and made connections with bible stories that included them and underlined how we often overlook the fact that they are a wonderful gift to us from God.

"But I had to confess, I didn’t know that cats are never mentioned in the Bible!

"We had a prayer that involved everyone making animal noises at various points, which the kids – of all ages – enjoyed, and then I asked everyone to bring their pets forward and we prayed a blessing on them.

"We even included those without pets who had brought animal toys that were special to them.”

Centre stage was a Noah’s Ark with loads of animals in it which had been hand-knitted by Ida Thomson, one of the church members.

Mr Sorensen told the congregation: "God only chose eight people to be on the ark but millions of animals, which maybe tells us something of how much God thinks about the animal world!”

The minister even draped Maya, a pet cornsnake, around his neck during the sermon.

He said: "Everyone blames the snake in the story of Adam and Eve but remember, it just asked them a question, so don’t blame the animals for the mess the world is in."

Afterwards, many people expressed their very real appreciation of the service and the acknowledgement of how important pets are.

Mr Sorensen said: "I heaved a sigh of relief that it had all gone to plan, and not to pot!"