KEY players behind a grassroots Gourock community group hope that a proposed move to the town's Gamble Halls will prove a winner.

Gourock Heritage & Arts could be on the move to the facility, after hosting a series of successful plays, exhibitions, discussions and lectures in the municipal buildings.

They had hoped to take over the old police station below the town buildings, in order to develop their work.

But that plan has been thwarted - and they are now staking their hopes on the Gamble building instead.

Under their proposal, all groups currently using the municipal buildings would get the opportunity to transfer over to the new venue but council and Inverclyde Leisure officials will have the final say as they own and run the building.

Councillor Ronnie Ahlfeld said: "The original idea for the group involved procuring the vacant police station below the municipal building, and this plan involved setting up incubation units for local entrepreneurs and artists to work in a convenient and affordable local space.

"It involved reconfiguring the police station to create similar community space to that currently available upstairs.

"Despite all attempts and suggestions to change the layout of the old police station, it was impossible to create the required community space."

Cllr Ahlfeld and fellow independent Lynne Quinn, who is chair of the group, then came up with the idea of using the downstairs space in the Gamble Halls when it was free, and utilising the old vacant nursery on King Street for exhibitions and displays.

Cllr Quinn said: "This seemed the perfect solution and it would permit commercial development and increased footfall in Shore Street.

"These initiatives would not affect any normal business being conducted by the Gamble Halls, all of this would continue as normal, however we would capitalise on the unallocated periods."

Cllr Quinn says that moving the group to the Gamble Halls would bring the town into line with others in the area.

She said: "At present Gourock has no subsidised community facilities enjoyed by other areas of Inverclyde and this proposal would assist in filling that void.

"We need a community area to highlight some of the great things going on here.

"It would be great to showcase some of the people, history, events and traditions of our town.

"This proposal ticks all the boxes."

The elected members are now awaiting an answer from council officials and Inverclyde Leisure, who run Gamble Halls.

Councillor Ahlfeld said: "The blueprint was proposed to officers last year.

"We expect a conclusion and decision on these proposals imminently."