COMPASSIONATE care workers from all over Inverclyde got the chance to power down and take time for themselves in a series of events.

Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) and CVS Inverclyde joined forces to run Winter Wellness Week.

The five-day long celebration welcomed people working in health and social care and primary care, across the HSCP, third sector and independent sector.

People got the chance to take part in Mindfulness Monday, Take Time Tuesday, Wellbeing Wednesday, Take Care Thursday and Fun Friday - all aimed at helping health and wellbeing.

The in-person event of the week took place on Wednesday at Greenock Baptist Church.

Staff got the chance to chat to teams from organisations including Your Voice, Man On Inverclyde, Parklea Branching Out, Financial Fitness, Scotwest, JD Gyms, Compassionate Grit, Scottish Fire and Rescue, West College Scotland and Macmillan Cancer Support.

Inverclyde's community nutritionist was on-hand to answer questions, and HSCP staff provided information on money management, smoking cessation, tackling period poverty and alcohol awareness.

Alan Stevenson, interim chief officer of Inverclyde HSCP said the event was about encouraging people who work very hard to stop and think about their own health and wellbeing.

He added: "We wanted to say thank-you to staff and to allow them some time out.

"The events gave people a chance to ask questions and to have a chat.

"It's been a fantastic week and the events have been really well attended."

Megan Murray, communications assistant at CVS, added: "This is about giving people a wee lift and letting them know that it's OK to stop and recharge.

"The events have been a signal for them to refuel and get a rest."