HUNDREDS of job seekers took the first step to finding a new career at a recruitment fair held in Greenock.

A whole host of key employers - including Diodes, CalMac and Ferguson Marine - were joined by the RAF, Navy and Army, West College Scotland, Cruden Homes, McGill's Buses, Inverclyde Council, Inverclyde Care and Social Security Scotland at the event in the Beacon Arts Centre.

It was organised by Inverclyde Community Development Trust with support from Skills Development Scotland and the Department for Work & Pensions.

Harley Higgins, 17, from Clydeview Academy, came along looking for a modern apprenticeship related to engineering.

He said: "The fair is a good opportunity to speak to people who work for a company before you apply.

"It gives you more information about what it is like to work there beforehand instead of after applying."

Shona Darroch, Diodes HR business partner, said they were pleased to be represented.

She told the Tele: "We have a had a lot of interest, a lot of school pupils and a lot of other people looking for work - a good mix of people."

Ben Gray, 16, who attends Inverclyde Academy, had his sights set on the Cruden Homes stall as he considers a future in the construction industry.

He said: "I want to get an apprenticeship in joinery.

"The fair was helpful and allowed me to find out how to apply."

Mark Ingram, senior recruitment officer with the Community Development Trust, said there a total of 17 companies/organisations were at the event and a wide range of interest.

He said: "We had 100 people booked in for the first hour and a further 190 booked in for the rest of the day.

"It was very busy.

"Everyone's been saying it's been one of the biggest events in Inverclyde since Covid.

"We've had people from all walks of life, from school leavers and I was speaking to someone who was 65."

Angela Spence, interim chief executive of the Trust, added: "I am delighted with the turnout.

"We had lots of employers represented and it was good to have a big event like this again, post-Covid.

"This is the Trust's role - to support people into employment and open up as many opportunities as we can."