THE crisis of staffing at Inverclyde Royal which has resulted in acute medical wards being covered by just one nurse is set to be raised directly with the board of NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde.

Recently-elected councillor Martin McCluskey — who now sits on the health board and has long campaigned on IRH issues — told the Telegraph that he will bring the 'serious' matter up at his first meeting with his new colleagues.

Meanwhile, the district's 'appalled' MSP Stuart McMillan is demanding an urgent meeting with management responsible for Clyde area operations, and is also urging hospital staff and patients to contact him.

The interventions come after we revealed on Thursday how wards have been overseen by a solitary nurse, with health board chiefs admitting that the situation has arisen on multiple occasions.

Cllr McCluskey — who is also vice chair of Inverclyde's health and social care partnership — said: "This story raises serious issues which will concern people across Inverclyde, not just because of the potential impact on patient safety but because of the pressure placed on our already stretched nurses.

"We know from official government figures that NHS Scotland is 3,400 nurses short and nursing unions have been warning for years — long before Covid — that staff are under unbearable pressure.

"I will be looking to raise this issue when I attend my first health board meeting and will be asking why it happened and what additional support Inverclyde Royal needs to ensure this does not happen again."

IRH whistleblowers told the Telegraph that the issue is having a 'massive impact' on patient care and safety, with one claiming: "It's been happening on an almost daily basis within wards of 30 patients.

"It's been flagged up so many times but nothing is being done about it."

Another hospital insider said: "Some patients have not been receiving medicine — including intravenous antibiotics.

"The acute medical wards, G North and G South, have been regularly running with one nurse."

MSP Mr McMillan told the Tele: "I am appalled to learn that some IRH wards are being left with one nurse on duty.

"Staff shortages caused by unplanned absences, such as Covid, are still impacting all parts of society, particularly the NHS, but leaving one nurse with up to 30 patients to attend to is just unacceptable.

"This clearly raises questions about patient safety, but I'm also concerned about the additional strain this will be placing on nurses when they're still feeling worn out from the Covid-19 pandemic.

"The management of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde needs to ensure that this type of staffing level does not continue.

"I have contacted NHS GGC asking for an urgent meeting with the senior manager covering the Clyde area about this matter.

"If any IRH staff or patients wish to contact my office to provide further details, I will put these to the health board and ensure their anonymity at all times."