INVERCLYDE'S constituency MSP hit back after the number of people stuck on Inverclyde’s social housing waiting list was branded ‘shameful.’

Conservative MSP Jamie Greene went on the attack after it emerged 1,211 households in the district on social housing waiting lists - with 6,356 adults and 3,619 children waiting for a suitable home.

The Greenock-born Tory obtained the numbers under Freedom of Information laws and blames the numbers in Inverclyde on ‘years of missed SNP targets on council house building.’

Mr Greene said: “These shocking and shameful figures highlight the extent of the social housing crisis in Inverclyde right now.

“Years of missed SNP targets on council housebuilding have left over 1,200 households waiting for social rented accommodation in our community, sadly affecting over 3,500 children.”

Mr Greene says the SNP failed on a manifesto promise to build 50,000 more affordable homes by 2020, contributing to the number of people waiting to adequate housing.

He added: “This is a fully devolved area and as ever the SNP talk the talk, but in reality they are failing to deliver.”

But the SNP's Stuart McMillan, constituency MSP for Greenock & Inverclyde, insists his rival's claims are wide of the mark.

He told the Tele: “The 50,000 affordable housing target was set to be completed over the course of the last parliament, and the Scottish Government was on track to fulfil it until the pandemic shut down the construction sector.

“The SNP has a clear record on delivering homes.

"In the four years to 2021, Scotland had over nine times more social rented homes per head of population than England.

“Since 2007, the SNP Scottish Government has helped fund 1,345 properties in Inverclyde for social rent.

He added: “I’m saddened but not surprised that Tory politicians would rather attack the SNP’s record on housing than face up to the reality that their Westminster government is causing a devastating cost of living crisis – a crisis that the chief executive of Scottish Power believes will see 10 million families in fuel poverty this winter."