A GREENOCK man has been charged with an alleged campaign of intimidation against his ex-partner spanning nearly 22 months.

Daniel McConnell is said to have targeted the woman, their adult daughter and his former mother-in-law at their homes and places of work.

Prosecutors say he told another family member that he would 'hurt the ones you love' after allegedly repeatedly posting 'police calling cards' and threats through his ex's mother's door.

McConnell, 51, of Nairn Drive, is accused of committing a catalogue of offences between January 1 2019 and October 24 2020.

He is said to have caused all three women fear and alarm.

The Crown says he repeatedly drove past the home his ex shared with their daughter and repeatedly stared in the windows of the house and at the two women.

It is alleged that he parked and left his car outside the property and left 'signs of a threatening nature' in the vehicle's windows.

He is also said to have driven past the women's places of work and stared in the windows of the premises. 

McConnell is further alleged to have followed his daughter in his car and driven in excessively close proximity to her vehicle.

He has denied all of the allegations against him, with the case due to call again at the sheriff court on September 2.