A TOWN centre church is cutting out plastic as it joins a growing Inverclyde eco-revolution.

Port Glasgow New Parish's health and wellbeing groups are now using reusable bottles only, with plastic containers banned.

Minister Reverend William Boyle has teamed up with eco campaign group Literati Guide to Inverclyde to bring the policy into place.

He says everyone at the church is keen to create a future without the single use plastics which damage the environment and put wildlife at risk.

Reverend Boyle said: "Our walking football team have all decided to ditch plastic bottles.

"We have bought new re-usable water bottles for them instead with our logo printed on them.

"They are perfect and can be used all week."

The parish church also has a Walk, Talk and Breakfast group every second Saturday which has also switched to reusable drinks bottles.

Both groups were set up to bring people together and encourage physical activity and members are keen to do their bit for the environment too.

Their decision of the church to ban plastic bottles has been praised by Literati's Vicky Cookson.

They organise community litter picks all over the district and have campaigned for a ban on single-use plastics.

Vicky said: "We are delighted Port Glasgow New Parish Church are getting on board, and with the support from Reverend William Boyle.

"It is great to see community groups taking direct action like this."

The church's new reusable bottles now have the logo of the Lighthouse Wellbeing Group, which meets for walking football on Mondays from 6-7pm in the church hall. The Walk, Talk and Breakfast club runs every second Saturday, meeting at 10am in the church car park.