INVERCLYDE'S MP swapped the Commons for the classroom to be quizzed by the next generation of voters.

Ronnie Cowan visited several schools across the area as part of UK Parliament week, an annual event to promote what it does and how young people can get involved.

The aim is to engage young people in political debate as well as to outline the functions of the UK Parliament and MPs.

Mr Cowan was joined by the Tele for his visit to Port Glasgow High School's fifth and sixth year modern studies class where he faced some tough questions.

He said: "It is always a joy to visit local schools and engage with pupils.

"The pupils at Port Glasgow High asked a lot of really searching questions.

"They showed a real knowledge of current affairs and history, but to be fair I was not surprised at how good their questions were.

"They undoubtedly understand the concept of holding politicians to account and were not afraid to put this into operation."

The Port High students were not the only ones to put Mr Cowan to the test.

He said: "After the grilling I got at St Patrick's Primary School from P7, I felt like I had to lie down in a darkened room for a while!

"The pupils were relentless in their pursuit of knowledge, they investigated my parliamentary role with a real zeal, and my private life even more so.

"These are the people who will drive the Inverclyde economy and policies of the future and guide our community through future challenges, so I would not expect anything else."

The MP says engagement with young people is very important and he tries to get them involved as much as possible.

He told the Tele: "I have pupils who spend time in my office on work experience to get an idea of the day to day and grassroots away from the high profile."

Port High's principal teacher of modern studies, Simon Kretowicz, says he is teaching young people who are highly aware politically.

He said: "Pupils are politically astute and aware of what's at the nub of the key issues just now.

"These are Mr Cowan's potential voters and will be involved in making decisions in the future.

"If they are over 16 they would have been able to vote in the Scottish Parliament elections and will be able to vote in the next UK elections.

"Engagement with young people is really important, so they become responsible citizens and make informed decisions and take responsibility for the future."