INVERCLYDE is the only local authority area in Scotland that has seen an increase in public toilet provision in the last fifteen years.

A Freedom of Information request sent to all councils by the Scottish Liberal Democrats has revealed that, overall, there has been a 32 per cent decrease in the number of public toilets nationwide.

The areas with the highest drop is the Highlands, which have lost 31 public bathrooms since 2007, and South Lanarkshire, who went from having 29 public toilets to none in 2022.

However, in Inverclyde, there are now eight public toilets, compared to only seven fifteen years ago.

Commenting on the figures, Scottish Liberal Democrat communities spokesperson Willie Rennie said: "Scottish Liberal Democrats want to see a substantial programme of capital works to provide more public toilets, alongside better car parking, electric charging points and waste disposal points.

"Councils need long term funding deals and the power to invest in their communities."