BRAZEN Amazon bosses have snubbed the Scottish Government's calls for clarity on plans to shut their Gourock base and axe 300 local jobs.

Business minister Ivan McKee today expressed 'extreme disappointment' about his initial meeting with the online retail giant's representatives, as he called for the company to reconsider the decision.

He is now demanding a summit with top bosses to make his case.

It was revealed earlier this week how Amazon had pocketed over £2m in public money for its Faulds Park base between 2005-2011, but Mr McKee and other political figures who have lobbied them since the bombshell closure decision was announced have been denied answers.

READ MORE: Amazon Gourock closure is branded 'scandalous' by MSP

He has pledged that the Scottish Government will do everything in its power to help those affected by the plan.

The revelation earlier this week that the Faulds Park site was to shut has been described as a 'hammer blow' for the area, with the closure pencilled in for mid-March.

The Telegraph understands that Mr McKee swiftly contacted representatives of Amazon about the situation, who were unable to offer any background information or explain why the Gourock site had been chosen for closure.

While Amazon claims to be consulting on the closure, several local politicians who have met with bosses at the site have claimed the decision has already been made, with the 'consultation' exercise being branded a sham.

Mr McKee said: "We are extremely disappointed at this decision, given Gourock’s long-standing association with and commitment to the company, and in light of this are asking Amazon to strongly reconsider.

"I was also disappointed with this initial meeting and have made it very clear I want to engage fully with Amazon bosses as soon possible to understand the rationale behind this decision being taken and also explore all viable options for an alternative outcome to the closure.

"The people impacted by this development are the immediate priority and the Scottish Government will do everything in its power to help those affected."

Mr McKee says he has asked both the Inverclyde Task Force, a group set up last year to energise the Inverclyde economy and generate jobs, and business development body Scottish Enterprise to step in.

He said: "Our Partnership Action for Continuing Employment (PACE) team has already contacted the company to offer support in the unfortunate event that should be required.

"I have asked both Scottish Enterprise and the Inverclyde Task Force to discuss the impact of the potential closure of the Gourock site on the local economy and determine whether there are alternative ways forward that don’t involve job losses."