It's been another busy week for Greenock and Inverclyde cases in the courts, including the sentencing at the High Court in Glasgow of two fraudster former lawyers, David Lyons and Iain Robertson, who were jailed for serious and organised crime money laundering offences.

Also at the High Court this week, teenage Greenock drug pusher James McCairn, who killed 14-year-old Cerys Reeve by supplying her with deadly ecstasy, had his custodial term cut on appeal.

Meanwhile, at the sheriff court, domestic abuse offender Jamie McLaughlin breached a three-year non-harassment order to stay away from his ex-partner — within a month of it being imposed.

Greenock mum-of-two Dawn Brooke denied a charge of driving a car whilst seven-times the alcohol limit and went on trial.

And finally for this week's newsletter, convicted east end ecstasy dealer Jamie Douglas is facing trial on a new class A drug charge.