BOXERS are punching above their weight when it comes to saving lives - thanks to a generous gift to Port Glasgow Victoria.

Kenny Crighton, who runs the club, organised a first aid course in his own home after a bequeath from a local charity.

Barry John Marsden, from the British Boxing Board of Control, delivered specialist training and basic first aid to fighters and coaches.

Kenny said: "The Bonar Foundation was set up in memory of Colin Bonar who was past master of Lodge Crawfurdsburn 1121 in Greencock.

"Mr Bonar left a substantial amount of money benefitting 30 local charities and sports clubs, with each receiving £1,200."

He says the club want to thank the family for choosing the club as one of the beneficiaries.

Kenny added: "This was a fantastic token of friendship and generosity.

"The donation paid for this life-saving defib and the first aid course.

"We hope never to have to use the kit, but its a vital piece of equipment that every sporting organisation should have."