MORE than 300 Amazon Gourock workers facing redundancy are expected to learn their fate today.

The online retail giant announced in January that it wanted to close its distribution centre at Faulds Park, with the decision sparking outrage.

A fourth and final formal 'consultation' meeting will be held today but there are fears that the decision is a foregone conclusion.

Jim McCourt, a local employment rights expert, has been supporting employees through the process.

He says the mood among workers is understandably bleak.

Mr McCourt, of Inverclyde Advice and Employment Rights, told the Telegraph: "I think Amazon will announce the decision and unfortunately I think it will definitely close.

"People are in shock and disappointed.

"It's hard going with the way the economy is an then this being piled on top of the situation.

"Trying to save jobs is how we should proceed first - we are talking about 323 workers plus sub-contractors, so that's almost 400 jobs.

"That should be the purpose of the consultation - if the company is genuinely trying to save the site, it would consider alternatives.

"We are going into the fourth meeting and alternatives have been suggested, but we haven't been given any hope that these are being pursued."

Bosses at the company said that staff could be relocated to another 'fulfilment centre' but acknowledged themselves that this many not be a viable option for the under-threat staff.

Mr McCourt says the nearest site in Scotland is in Fife and that makes the idea a non-starter.

He said: "It's not feasible time wise or financially to travel to Dunfermline.

"We have dealt with quite a few people from the site, we meet with a small group who feedback to the rest of the workers.

"We are supporting them through the process.

"But sadly my own personal view is that the centre is going to go, I don't think there is any hope."

*Any Amazon worker looking for advice can call Mr McCourt on 01475 888039.