A COLLEGE chef is running a masterclass in bringing down the cost of cooking while helping to serve up some top dishes at dinner time.

Hospitality lecturer David Smith is inviting the community into West College Scotland's Finnart Street campus kitchen for top tips on healthy eating on a budget.

The free community cooking courses is just one of the ways the college is joining the campaign to beat the cost of living crisis.

On the menu are culinary delights like cornbread and Spanish chicken casserole dishes which save on cash while delivering healthy meals.

David said: "We are trying to give people who come along the chance to learn more about the basics of cooking.

"It is so much cheaper and healthier than eating processed food.

"People just need the confidence to know how to do it.

"We are looking at preparing chicken, how to get the best out of all the meat, vegetables in season and how to use them.

"People don't always have the time to cook and have lost the habit.

"We are hoping to help learn the basics again."

Gourock woman Lorna McCartney is one of the people who has signed up for the course and is enjoying learning more about cooking.

She said: "I love the tips and taking part with other people in the class as well.

"I am really enjoying it."

Friends Rose Patterson and Catherine Reay heard about the course and decided to give it a go.

Rose said: "I didn't really know what to expect but it is brilliant."

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