VIEWS of the Clyde, stunning scenery, beautiful properties, bags of community spirit and a guaranteed good laugh – Inverclyde has plenty going for it.

We asked our readers to share their favourite thing about living here. While some didn’t hold back with their thoughts on the area, most people proudly told of their admiration for it, with others reminiscing about their days here before life took them elsewhere.

Here are the Telegraph readers' top five favourite things about living in Inverclyde:

The scenic views

Greenock Telegraph: Sunset from Albert RoadSunset from Albert Road (Image: Ali Daisley)

It comes as no surprise that the fantastic views from Inverclyde topped the list.

People were full of praise for our wonderful watefront, and the views looking out over to Helensburgh, Dunoon, Argyll and beyond.

One reader said: “Our river views are among some of the best I’ve ever seen anywhere.”

Another reader noted that, given the views on offer, house buyers can find great value for money in the area in comparison to other towns.

He said: “The reality is, with a fairly modest income, you can get a fairly nice house in the West End or Gourock for 200k-300k and have the Clyde to look at from your living room window.

“Compare that with down south where you would be paying at least twice as much for a house much smaller, in a not-so-nice area.”

Walks and access to the hills

Greenock Telegraph: Loch ThomLoch Thom (Image: William Kelly)

For many, the variety of walks available is a huge selling point for Inverclyde.

One Telegraph reader explained that, being a non-driver, he enjoys having the option to walk to sites like Greenock Cut and Loch Thom.

Another added: “I don’t live there now, but whenever I make it home I’m always quite taken aback by how beautiful the town really is.

“And it’s the perfect town for people who love going on really long walks with it’s diverse range of river walks, urban and green spaces.”

Others also said they are grateful to have Loch Lomond and the Trossachs in “easy reach”.

The humour

Greenock Telegraph: Many people said their favourite thing about living in Inverclyde was the humourMany people said their favourite thing about living in Inverclyde was the humour (Image: Pexels)

As one reader put it, “our patter really can be incredible”.

There may be things to complain about in the area – after all, no town is perfect – but at least its residents can have a laugh about it.

On the topic of humour, another reader noted that locals can bring out their humorous side, while still remaining respectful. They said: “The blether, the sense of humour – yet preserving respect – is unbeatable.”

The people

Greenock Telegraph: Inverclyde's people was also a common responseInverclyde's people was also a common response (Image: Pexels)

No matter where you go in the world, you’ll never find people quite like those to your hometown.

This answer was particularly popular amongst those who are from the town, but have moved away at some point.

One former resident said: “It’s the warmth, friendliness, and personality of the people of Greenock that I miss dearly.”

Another said that living in Australia for 11 years had left them longing for the good people of Greenock.

The community spirit

Greenock Telegraph: Community spirit was also high on people's list of their favourite things about InverclydeCommunity spirit was also high on people's list of their favourite things about Inverclyde (Image: Pixabay)

Finally, completing our top five, Inverclyde's community spirit also gets a mention from our readers.

One noted the importance of maintaining this, particularly at a time when many small businesses are struggling. They added: “Keep our community spirit strong and alive and help each other. Help local business thrive to keep the town what it was.”

Another reader highlighted the work of the town’s “fabulous” community groups and projects which work to “make people’s lives better”.