BREASTFEEDING rates in Inverclyde are finally on the rise as a health and care team deliver on a promise to help mums every step of the way.

Greenock Telegraph:

The district's figures have historically remained among the lowest in Scotland leaving healthcare staff facing an uphill battle to change attitudes and bring about a culture shift.

But now after raising awareness for the last three years and intensive support for families there is finally some hope as figures for those still breastfeeding at six weeks rises from 18 per cent in 2019 to 30 per cent today.

First time mum Nicola Mulholland, cradling eight-week-old Maisie, is among those to benefit from the wide range of support on offer in Inverclyde.

Greenock Telegraph:

Now the infant feeding team is now calling on all families across Inverclyde to rally behind mums who want to breastfeed.

Nicola, 29, from Fancy Farm, said: “I didn’t grow up with breastfeeding so it wasn't something I had thought about. But my two close friends had tried breastfeeding and it made me thing about it.

"I was thinking about trying it but didn’t know how I would get on because I’d heard stories about people not taking to it.

"My husband Paul has been so supportive and that has helped so much.

"It does take work at the beginning but there are so many positives, Maisie is a great baby, she is so content, There are so many health benefits for Maisie and for me.

"I have had so much support from the infant breastfeeding team, there is also a group chat with other mums which helps so much as well.

"I think when you are out and about it gives you confidence when you go in somewhere and it is breastfeeding friendly."

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Infant feeding co-ordinator Catriona MacLean has built up a whole community support and believes there is a real sense of change.

She said: "We are trying to get the message across it takes all the family to help a new mum. They can't do it without them.

"Family support is crucial. We are also trying to show the benefits of expressing so that it fits in with busy lives.

Catriona added: “Inverclyde rates of breastfeeding are improving and mums tell us that the help and support they have had from midwives, the infant feeding support team, new mum companions, and in particular the support from partners and family has made their breastfeeding journey easier and therefore increased their likelihood to succeed."

Midwives are also on hand to support mums from the very start and are crucial in the moments after birth and in the early days.

Karen Temporal, based at the IRH, said: "We say to all new mums, put your phones away, enjoy the time with your baby. Don't be afraid to tell visitors no, if they do come ask them to help."

Inverclyde Infant feeding team is a unique project offering group and one-to-one mentoring.

It is part funded by the Scottish Government and it aims to support mums and families to breastfeed for as long as they wish.

Anyone needing support can call 07773086609 to get in touch with the team.

The infant feeding team also run a breastfeeding group at the Waterwheel Port Glasgow every Tuesday 11-1230 for all ages of breastfed babies.