INVERCLYDE’S MP has revealed whether he will stand at the next general election after several of his party peers confirmed they would be stepping down.

Ronnie Cowan will be putting himself forward to be his party’s Inverclyde candidate at the next general election, the Telegraph can reveal.

The SNP politician’s decision comes in the wake of several SNP MPs confirming that they would not seek re-election at the upcoming national poll, including former Westminster leader Ian Blackford and former party treasurer Douglas Chapman.

Mr Cowan told the Telegraph he had enjoyed his time since 2015 representing the area at Westminster and was once again ready to fight for his seat.

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He said: "I note that a number of my colleagues have already announced that they do not wish to be considered for candidature at the next general election. 

"While fully appreciating their own personal circumstances and respecting their choice I am not minded to follow suit. 

"I have worked hard and thoroughly enjoyed my eight years as the member of parliament for Inverclyde and fully intend seeking the nomination again. 

"I don’t think eight years in a job that I love and that continues to motivate me day-in, day-out could ever make me stale or disillusioned. 

"I have eight years of experience and for eight years my office has served the people of Inverclyde with distinction. 

"I see that as an advantage.

"I have built mature working cross-party relationships that have borne fruit and hope to be in a position to continue that engagement.”

Mr Cowan was first elected as MP for Inverclyde in 2015, with over half of the local vote.

He narrowly managed to hold on to his seat in 2017 after a strong challenge from Labour’s Martin McCluskey came within 400 votes of beating him.

Things were simpler for the SNP man in 2019, when he won election for a third time with 48.4 per cent of the total ballots cast.

Recommendations from the Boundary Commission for Scotland will mean that Mr Cowan will not fight to represent Inverclyde at the next general election, as the seat is expected to be re-organised into a new constituency, called Inverclyde and Renfrewshire West.

Mr Cowan says that while he hoped to stand for another term as the area’s MP, his focus is currently on the day job.

He added: "I am fortunate in that I enjoy good health, but I never take that for granted. I eat a healthy diet and I exercise regularly. 

"I shall be seeking to be the SNP candidate for the new seat of Inverclyde and West Renfrewshire and if my party wishes then I look forward to contesting the seat at the next general election. 

"In the meantime, I shall continue to represent my constituents to the very best of my ability and do everything I can to help them through these difficult times of Tory austerity. 

"I shall not be distracted from my role in promoting and fighting for Inverclyde at every opportunity. 

"We are just starting to see the shoots of recovery and I hope to be around long enough to see a number of projects that I have been involved in come to fruition. 

"I want to be part of a better Inverclyde and I shall always talk up Scotland and promote its future as an independent sovereign nation and as an equal amongst all other independent nations."