A GREENOCK knife assault accused charged with holding a blade to a woman's throat is set to stand trial at the end of the month.

Craig Osbourne appeared from custody at the sheriff court to maintain not guilty pleas through solicitor Aidan Gallagher to four charges.

The 22-year-old is said to have assaulted a woman on June 4, 2020 when is alleged to have held a blade to her throat.

Prosecutors say the alleged offence took place at Neil Street and Sutherland Road whilst Osbourne was on a court bail order for a separate matter from 2019 and subject to an undertaking to appear at court in October 2020.

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He also held a knife at another female's face, pushed her on the head and caused her head to strike against a wall to her injury, it is alleged

Osbourne is further charged with being in possession of a blade in a public place without reasonable excuse or lawful authority.

It is also claimed that he behaved in a threatening or abusive manner by shouting, swearing and uttering threats of violence.

Procurator fiscal depute Gemma Barclay said the case had been continued previously for a video identification parade (VIPER) to be completed, however, two witnesses failed to attend on three occasions when it was set up.

A fourth and final VIPER parade was ordered and Sheriff James Mulgrew continued the case to trial on July 31.