NORTH Sea oil workers are swapping their rig platforms for the football pitch as they prepare to go head-to-head in aid of Ardgowan Hospice.

Staff from Harbour Energy's Britannia and J-Block fields have answered a rallying call from Greenock colleague Paul McQueen to raise cash for the beloved Inverclyde charity.

The two sides, made up of colleagues from across the country, will meet at the Falkirk Stadium in what promises to be a ‘fun-filled day of sports and community spirit’.

Britannia worker Paul has been organised the event with the help of Allan Yule from J-Block.

Paul, 41, told the Tele: “It came from general chit chat when we were offshore and it just materialised from there.

OTHER NEWS: Ardgowan Hospice to hold its first ever fun day next month

“It grew arms and legs pretty quickly.

“We’ve done charity work for the hospice before.

“We did a charity night a good few years ago and we did a skydive.

“It’s a local cause and we just think smaller charities really benefit from the fundraising”

Greenock Telegraph:

Paul and his colleagues initially set a fundraising target of £1,000, which they have already exceeded.

They hope to continue adding to that total as their matchday approaches.

Harbour Energy has also agreed to match the teams’ fundraising total.

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Spectators are welcome to attend the stadium on the day to cheer the sides on.

Paul added: “It’s for a great cause – the more there the merrier and the more money that will be raised.

“We just want to help in whatever way we can.

“I don’t know what exactly it will be used for, but as long as it goes back into the hospice, that’s all that matters.”

Donations can be made via Paul's JustGiving page at