A MURDER investigation is today under way in Inverclyde following the death of a man in the Larkfield area of Greenock.

The 37-year-old victim sustained fatal injuries during a serious disturbance at Angus Road on Sunday.

Detectives have arrested a 46-year-old suspect in connection with the incident whilst 'extensive' police enquiries continue.

Greenock Telegraph: Several police vehicles remained at the scene on MondaySeveral police vehicles remained at the scene on Monday (Image: George Munro)

Officers had rushed to the area in a fleet of vehicles and threw a cordon around the scene, which remains in place this morning.

Detective Inspector Ally Semple, of the Major Investigation Team, said: “Our thoughts are with the family and friends of the man who died at this very difficult time.

“I would like to reassure the local community that we believe this was an isolated incident and there is no threat to the wider community.

“Extensive police inquiries are ongoing, and we have a dedicated team of officers working on this investigation.

Greenock Telegraph: The street was taped offThe street was taped off (Image: George Munro)

“We will have a continued police presence in the area, and anyone with any concerns can approach these officers."

It is understood that three men were involved in the incident and that a 37-year-old subsequently died after being fatally injured.  

Greenock Telegraph: Angus Road, GreenockAngus Road, Greenock (Image: George Munro)

Police swarmed the area after the alarm was raised regarding the serious incident late on Sunday night.

The deceased man has been named locally, however, police are yet to confirm the name put to them by the Telegraph.

It is understood from well placed sources that another male who is said to have been involved in the incident is currently in hospital receiving treatment for injuries.

Officers were called out to Angus Road at around 9.50pm on July 30 after reports of a disturbance involving three men.

All three were taken to hospital and the now-deceased male was pronounced dead a short time later.

Police say a post-mortem will be carried out, however, the death is being treated as murder, and his next of kin have been made aware.

Detective Inspector Semple said: “Officers are reviewing CCTV footage in the area, and door-to-door inquiries are also being carried out.

“I am appealing to anyone who saw anything suspicious in the area who has not already spoken to officers to get in touch.”

The death is the latest in a series of alarming incidents that have rocked the community in recent months.

In February, Neil Canney was found seriously injured on his doorstep in Nairn Road and passed away a short time later after being rushed to hospital.

Seven men have since appeared in court charged with the 37-year-old dad's murder.

It is claimed that the accused males, who have all been remanded in custody, 'did discharge a firearm and shoot him [Mr Canney] in the head' and 'did murder him'.

Meanwhile, another police probe remains ongoing into an alleged attempted murder following a serious assault on Dorset Road in April.

A 22-year-old man sustained injuries to his head and body following the incident, with Police Scotland deploying high visibility mounted patrols in the area in the weeks after the alleged attack.

Regarding the latest incident, police can also be contacted by calling 101 and quoting incident number 3916 of July 30, 2023. Alternatively, Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111.