MORTON'S charity arm is set to kick off a new donation drive for its Boots and Pieces sports kit swap shop.

A unit on West Stewart Street in Greenock town centre will be taken over by Morton in the Community next week, just in time for the schools going back from the summer holidays.

The aim is to support anyone who needs PE kit for children and people needing new sports clothing and accessories for the year ahead.

The Boots and Pieces shop will be open at 31A West Stewart Street from noon–4pm on Tuesday August 15 and from 1-7pm the following day.

Children who are starting primary one who visit the shop can also pick up a special ‘First Day at School’ badge to mark their big day while stocks last.

Morton in the Community chief executive Brian McLaughlin said: “We’re very excited to open our first proper bricks and mortar shop for a couple of days.

"The smaller pop-ups we’ve run this summer at our holiday camps have been really popular.

"Hopefully by being in the middle of the town, everyone can reach us who needs us.”

The shop will stock sports clothing and accessories in adult and children’s sizes.

Items are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

There is also the opportunity to donate items which you no longer need at the shop during opening hours.

Brian said: “We want to extend our thanks to Bowman Rebecchi who helped identify an available unit for us to use, and to the owners of the shop for donating the space free of charge and allowing us to open up here.

“The project is funded by the Inverclyde Windfarm Fund, and we’ve had shop mirrors and stools donated by Cameron’s Events in Glasgow, too.

"It’s very heartening to have such widespread support for the initiative.”

Items available will include trainers, football boots, sports bags, football kits, t-shirts and shorts, leggings, and other sportswear.

Everything has been sorted to make sure it’s suitable for reuse and Morton in the Community ask that anyone wishing to donate ensures their items are stain-free with no broken or missing parts.

For more information you can visit or contact Morton in the Community at