A BOOZED-up lout targeted his ex-partner's Greenock home late at night and threatened he'd 'end up killing' her. 

Kevin Lees left the woman 'visibly shaken' after hurling the violent comments at her property earlier this year, the sheriff court was told.

Lees, 46, who was said to have a 'sporadic' record for offending, previously pleaded guilty in July to acting in an aggressive manner towards the woman, attending at her home uninvited, directing abusive remarks towards her, shouting, swearing and threatening her with violence.

Procurator fiscal depute Fergus Warner told the court: "At 9pm on July 21 the witness was within her home alone and heard the accused, who lives in the flat above, return home.

"He put on music which the witness felt was excessively loud.

"She put a note through his door requesting it was turned down.

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"On returning to her flat she noted that the music had been turned up.

"At 11pm on the same night another female witness was in her living room and heard the accused in the common close shouting 'I will smash your door in, I'll smash you in, I'll end up killing you'.

"The witness refused to open the door.

"Police attended and noticed the witness to be visibly shaken."

An intoxicated Lees was traced and arrested by officers shortly before midnight and the court heard he had been in a relationship with the woman for 18 months but it had ended one week before the incident.

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Defence solicitor Gemma Elder said that the relationship has not resumed but the pair 'may reconcile'.

The lawyer added: "Following the bereavement of his brother he used alcohol as his crutch."

Sheriff Colin Bissett, whose last offence was in 2014: "I am not a betting man but were I a betting man I would put something on the fact that if you don't do something about your alcohol use you will be back in this court again."

Sentence was deferred for six months for Lees, of Newton Street, to be of good behaviour. A review will take place on December 6.