INVERCLYDE'S MP has praised one of district's largest employers for its commitment to the area and to the young workforce. 

Ronnie Cowan MP visited the RBS mortgage advice centre in Greenock to find out more about how the company is reinvesting in Inverclyde. 

The MP met with Laura Gren from mortgage operations and learned that 90 per cent of the 1,000-strong workforce live locally. 

Mr Cowan also found out about flexible working patterns for staff, and about the mortgage centre's apprenticeship scheme. 

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The politician said it's clear the centre is 'not thriving by accident' as the people of Inverclyde have 'all the skills necessary for its success'. 

He added: "RBS has placed great confidence in the future of Inverclyde by continuing to invest in the area and its workforce. 

"The bank is also at the forefront of offering apprenticeships which shows confidence in Inverclyde's young people."

Mr Cowan said he had been speaking to businesses of all shapes and sizes across Inverclyde to find out about the challenges they face and what could be done to help. 

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He revealed he is helping to organise a job fair which will take place next month. 

Mr Cowan hopes the event will help people identify their skills and match these up with employees and companies. 

He added: "The last jobs fair revealed that there are a lot of potential employers looking for staff across Inverclyde

"Many of the skills of the workers who have lost their jobs at Amazon, for example, are interchangeable and in demand."