A FAB four of talented musicians and performers from the same school have been chosen to study at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.

The pupils from Port Glasgow High have been selected in different disciplines for the Junior Conservatoire.

The talented and hard-working young people will attend sessions at weekends in addition to their school studies.

Greenock Telegraph:

Thomas Williams, 17, is moving into his fourth year at the Junior Conservatoire and plays jazz guitar. He has applied to study there full time.

Thomas said: "I've been playing guitar since primary school, then I started doing a lot more and playing in bands.

"I started playing in a jazz band in first year, then when I developed my love for it I got a place to study at the Junior Conservatoire.

"I've got to meet a lot of great musicians, some of the top ones in Scotland, and it's given me lots of opportunities to take music further."

Thomas will now be joined by Cameron Steele, 14, who has been selected to study musical theatre.

He said: "I've taken part in school productions and I am very excited about going to the Conservatoire. I am looking forward to meeting new people."


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Lana Heffernan, 15, has been accepted to study acting at Level 2.

She told the Tele: "I've been in all the school shows and I also run the panto for the drama department."

Emily Hathaway, also 15, will study percussion.

She said: "I play anything from xylophone to timpani and drums.

"Going to the Conservatoire is a really good step for me, as this is what I want to do as a career.

Julie Ballantyne, principal teacher of music at Port High, is proud as punch by the achievements of the pupils.

She said: "To get accepted for Royal Conservatoire is phenomenal.

"It amazing that four pupils from one school are going at the one time.

"It's quite unusual and we are very proud of them.

"It's nice that they have been chosen in different disciplines as well.

"It enriches the school as well, by helping the younger years to develop too."