A SHOPLIFTER and sectarian lout who ignored a nighttime curfew less than a fortnight after the court order was imposed has been told off by a sheriff for his 'stupidity'.

John Shovelin, 44, was put on the electronic tag last month for stealing tools from B&Q in Port Glasgow and for a threatening or abusive behaviour offence.

He admitted repeatedly shouting, swearing, adopting an aggressive demeanour and uttering sectarian remarks in John Wood Street, with the offence aggravated by religious prejudice.

Shovelin was sentenced to a community payback order with a six-month social work supervision requirement, while he was also tagged and restricted to his home address between the hours of 7pm and 7am each night for three months.

However, he was ordered back to Greenock Sheriff Court for breaching the restriction less than two weeks after its imposition.

Defence solicitor Gerry Keenan cited 'drunken stupidity' as the cause of his client's actions.

READ MORE: Port man who has 'lost family members to Troubles' shouted sectarian abuse

Mr Keenan told the court: "He had been drinking and the time that he was at large, so to speak, was negligible."

Sheriff Anthony McGeehan told Shovelin: "You should be in no doubt that the court will take a very dim view of any further stupidity on your part."

The period for completion of the restriction of liberty order was extended by one day to cover the breach.

Lawyer Paul Keenan told a previous calling of the case that his client's circumstances have 'changed dramatically' since the commission of the crimes.

Regarding the shoplifting offence, Mr Keenan said Shovelin 'accepts taking the tools in order to facilitate doing up his flat' after moving from a position of homelessness.

The solicitor added: "He is himself Irish. He has lost family members in Ireland as a consequence of the Troubles.

"He immediately apologised to police [for the threatening behaviour offence] and told them: 'I shouldn't have said what I said, I shouldn't have played that music.'

"He has been free from trouble since November 2021, which is to his credit."