KIND hearted children at St Andrew's Primary served up delicious treats to their families and raised hundreds of pounds for a vital charity.

The primary seven class in the Greenock school brewed up a storm to help MacMillan Cancer Care at a coffee morning.

The pupils found out about the charity as part of an enterprise project led by teacher Olivia Fleming and then decided to organise a fundraiser.

Mums, dads, grans and grandads were all invited along to the Larkfield school for some fantastic treats and a raffle.

Pupil Liam Hardie said: "I was so happy that my dad and my nana were able to come along. I loved finding out about MacMillan and also getting it all set up and organised."

By the end of the day the youngsters had raised an incredible £250 for the charity which helps support those with cancer and their loved ones.

MacMillan Cancer Support recently funded a new service in Inverclyde which will offers full support to patients in their recovery.

Teacher Olivia Fleming said: "I am so proud of the class, they took this on themselves, researched it and organised it all.

"Then we invited our families and the community along for the event."